About Me...

I'm ME....An independent Stampin'Up demonstrator, a Chalk Couture designer, an artist, a crafter..... and as the hip kids say today, a MAKER
My family and friends know me as Mary Lou, Mom, Mama Lou, Pebbles, and Grammy Lou.
I'm a wife, mother, daughter, aunt and friend.
I'm an unconventional artist at heART who has always loved mixed media. These days I seem to becoming an UN-tradionalist if there is such a thing.
Today you may find me with a paint brush in my hand, tomorrow a crochet hook whipping up cactus and the next day it could be ink, paper and stamps. One thing you can be sure of, I will be in my art studio at least 4 - 5 nights a week and mostly all weekend long working on one thing or another.
I've been known to chalk paint furniture as well as picture frames as well...... So what better way to feed my habit than to become a Chalk Couture designer?!! Take a peek at my shopping site with the link above.
Recently I rekindled my love with paper and stamps and everything inky..... I have always loved making my own greeting cards so what better way to do so than to become part of a great company! I have wandered into the arms of STAMPIN'UP and they have been so gracious to feed my crafting habit. See my STAMPIN UP page to learn more.